Monday, January 31, 2011

Metro - A whole gluten free selection!

You know how when you're a GF person how everyone is always telling you about how they saw some GF product, or they ate somewhere with a GF menu and you already knew about it but you have to pretend like it's exciting?

Well, I had someone tell me about a GF product that I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT!

A friend at work said that the Metro flyer had an entire page about GF food. So I thought, well, that's cool. But then I looked at it and it was even cooler! They have made their own "brand" of GF food! And it's priced pretty well! The flyer included:
Boxes of pasta - $2.49
Bag of bread crumbs - $3.49
Macaroni and cheese - $1.99 (Very excited about this!!!)
Bag of pancake mix - $1.99
A box of 5 Chewy bars - $3.49
Cake mix - $3.49

Isn't that kind of crazy?! I will admit, while I've never been a big Metro shopper before (because I like Superstore and know what GF stuff they have.... guess that is the point of this blog: to expand from what we know), I think I'm going to have to hit up a Metro on the way home! I'm really excited! I'll let you know how it goes!

Please note that I have no connection to Metro and I'm sure their prices will change so don't hold me or my blog accountable for the prices listed above!

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