Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Works - Really, they've got it all!

The husband and I were downtown tonight and between Fringe shows, decided to grab some dinner. My first thought was Under the Volcano, but I do like to try new places (wow - I'm such a daredevil!) and I thought of "The Works".

For those of you who have not heard, The Works is a gourmet burger restaurant that's just opened up on King Street across from the Market. In the past, I haven't had any luck at burger joints (both Bungelow and Relish put bread crumbs in their burgers making them an impossibility for dinner), but according to The Works' webpage ( their burgers are 100% ground beef.

Alright, we arrive. Very cool restaurant - good atmosphere, friendly people, etc., etc. We sit and start purusing the menu that had 64 burgers - yes, 64!! The waiter arrived and I secretly judge waiters/restaurants on their GF knowledge by whether they can give me more info than I asked for.

So, I start with my regular "I can't have wheat or gluten. Are your burgers really 100% beef and will be fine to eat?". He said that yes, they are 100%, no fillers. That I could definitely have one without the bun. He also mentioned a couple other things that were gluten-free (love the extra info!). He said the fries were fresh cut potatoes each morning, but confirmed that they were deep fried in the same frier as the onion rings (I passed and got a side salad... honestly, the burger was enough and I would have eaten three fries anyways).

Well, the burger was damn delicious! The salad was decent too. And I had a Cherry Coke Float, which was great (although a bit pricy at $5, when I'd normally just get a water). I even ate one of my husband's fries, and it was taaaasty!

The waiter later mentioned that in the future I can bring in a GF bun and they'll make my burger on it. He also said that he hadn't thought of the onion ring thing before, so it was good to know (I love when a waiter/waitress will talk GF with me!).

Moral of the story - The Works has damn good burgers! And they're GF! And they seem to know what they're talking about!!!

As per usual - I'm not affiliated with The Works and this was just my experience. Please make sure that you talk to your waiter/waitress about your GF needs!

1 comment:

  1. actually now they have a gluten free bun for you so you don't have to take your own! The GF menu at Milestone's is half decent and they have a good burger (with a GF bun) too!
